We had a pretty good weekend despite the rainy and dreary weather. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as well. We have a 3 day weekend coming up! yay!
For part of my Mother's day gift, I got a gift certificate to my favorite nail salon. Since my nails and feet were looking pretty bad, I booked a mani/pedi appointment for first thing on Saturday morning. It felt so good and relaxing to have a little chill time.
Later that night, we attended my cousin's graduation. I can't believe she graduated this year!! I am getting ollllllllllllllllllllllddddd. It will be my 10 year high school reunion this year. She is the class president and she had to do a speech. She totally rocked it! Callon barely made it through the hour or so long ceremony. Around the end, he started singing Happy Birthday (his favorite song) loud!! I was so embarrassed lol but it was pretty cute.
After the ceremony, we went out to eat at the Half Shell Oyster House to celebrate! It was so great to spend time with family and eat some pretty good food too!
On Sunday, we went to church and had a wonderful service. Later that day, we started on VBS preparations for our church. We had a great fellowship time, and we really got a lot done. I am getting really excited for our VBS coming up.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!
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